First thing to understand is that everyone and their brother/sister are doing remodels so that materials are not only harder to come by, prices of raw materials has risen, according to some, 40% in the last 6 months.
I can honestly say that, despite what I have written above, the process of our remodel has gone extremely smoothly, competently and well. The crews, and again one needs to understand that many aspects of the remodel are done by subcontractors, have all been competent and affable.
Our remodel is almost on time, and this was in large part due to the presence of very old (Knob and Tube) electrical wiring that needed to be dealt with.
The staff were very responsive to questions and issues as they arose ( and if you are doing a remodel and no issues arise, then I would submit you are not doing a remodel!!)
So, yes, I would recommend AmyWorks on our experience, and more telling, I would use them again if we needed similar work in the future.
As an addendum, I want to add how Mudworx ( a subcontractor ) went above and beyond in painting our new rec room. They, too, were capable, amicable and professional. A real asset to AmyWorks, and we enjoyed working with them.